Would you like to take part in the Solheim Cup, the biggest international competition in women’s golf and one of the most important events in women’s sport around the world? 

For the first time ever, Spain will host the Solheim Cup in 2023, a unique opportunity to enjoy this biennial contest between Europe and the United States.

Golfers will bring the golf, spectators will bring the passion, and the volunteers will be the essential glue for a successful Solheim Cup.

Registration in the volunteer program is now closed, but you can register on the waiting list. In case there is any vacancy, we will contact you. Otherwise…we hope to see you at Finca Cortesin as part of the crowd!

volunteers waiting list


    Monday 18 (practice day)Tuesday 19 (practice day)Wednesday 20 (practice day)Thursday 21 (practice day)Friday 22 (Match Day)Saturday 23 (Match Day)Sunday 24 (Match Day)All